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Admissions Process

Now accepting elementary aged students for 2023-24.

Our Mission

1. Submit Interest Form 

Tell us a little about your family and your interest in attending Caney Christian.

2. Dig Deeper

​After receiving your interest form,

we'll send you an email with next steps. 


For a jump start, check out the books and videos

on the Resources page.

Reading Courage to Grow by Laura Sandefer and Unschooling Rules by Clark Aldrich

will be on this checklist.  â€‹


3. Interview

If Caney Christian seems to be the right fit, we will invite your family for an interview to get a first glance of your students passions, interests and love for learning while discussing how we might partner together.

4. School Tour

The final step before an invitation to enroll is for you and your child to check out the studio.

5. Invitation to Enroll!

If this process confirms Caney Christian as a great fit for your family, we will invite you to enroll. The deposit will be due upon acceptance to hold your learner's spot.

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Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6

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